A Year From Now You’ll Wish You Had Started Today

When I think back on 2020, I realize that motivation is a myth. It is temporary. How do you stay motivated?

You don’t. Somedays you are motivated and some you are not.

It is dedication, commitment and discipline that will change your life. Or as I call it, “just showing up”.

While I may not be the smartest or the fastest, I am consistent. I dream big and I push the limits. I think that is the key to achieving big goals. Small, little forward steps every single day. And somedays you will go backwards and other days you will make huge forward leaps, and it’s all good as long as you continue moving forward.

When we have a big goal or dream that we want to achieve, it can seem overwhelming. You wonder, “Where do I start? How will I get there?”

Slow down and focus on the first step.

That is typically the hardest step to take. But it is the most important. When you decide to make a change (start your own business, start working out, dieting, anything), the first step is the scariest because you are making the commitment.

When I think of people that have achieved HUGE goals, it typically starts with them saying, “I made up my mind to…” And then they do.

If you want 2021 to be your year, take the first step. Even if it seems so small. Find someone to help you- a coach, an accountability partner, a teacher to keep you moving forward. But start the process; take the first step.

Have you ever heard the saying, “How do you eat an elephant?”

One bite at a time.

This applies to achieving greatness too.

Next year, I wish you consistency, commitment, discipline and the gift of “just showing up”.

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