“No Ragrets!”

I think we can all agree that 2020 is an unprecedented year.

Our lives have been rattled; we’ve endured difficult situations, sadness, loneliness, and our rituals and schedules are on hold.

We sure are a resilient group of people!

In times of strife, leaders are made. Dreams are born.

As time has slowed down, we have to look in the mirror and reevaluate our situations. Many of us realize how much we have to be grateful for. Many of us are making life changes; our priorities have changed.

As difficult as this year has been, it has also been a gift. It is a gift to slow down, be with family, and realize that people, community, and memories are more important than material things.

I keep thinking of the future and how I will tell the story of 2020. Was I brave? Did I focus on the positive or the negative of the situation? Did I find the silver linings in such a crazy time?

Many people have recently reached out to me, saying, “I have always dreamed of owning my own business, and I don’t want to wait anymore.”

62% of Americans dream of becoming their own boss; however, only 25% seriously consider doing something about it.

As Scotty P from the movie ‘We’re the Millers’ says, “No ragrets!”

If you have a dream, go after it! If you fall down, get back up. You’ll be smarter & stronger when you get back up. Use this year as a springboard to living a life that you are proud of.

Don’t fear life, failure, or making mistakes.

Fear mediocrity. Fear regrets. Fear a life of not being seen or heard. Fear being numb.

Take the gift of 2020 to live life on your terms.


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