How to Prepare for the Uncontrollable

While changes loom in the economy, corporations are going to tighten up. As that happens, we are starting to see layoffs across many industries. Unfortunately, this is expected to continue into next year

Many may see this as a time to panic, however savvy investors know that this is a time for opportunity.  Warren Buffett once said that it is wise for investors to be “fearful when others are greedy, and greedy when others are fearful.”

Usually, employees aren’t laid off for poor performance. They are laid off due to things outside their control, like the economy or downsizing. Going through a layoff is stressful. Going through a layoff is stressful as your future is uncertain. However, it can also be the best thing that ever happens to you.

What you do next is most important.


First things first – don’t panic. Being laid off is not a reflection of your capability. You have valuable skills and experience; there may be something even better out there for you!

Yes, this is an opportunity!

For over 20 years I’ve watched people go through making important life changes, many of them as a result of downsizing. I know that many people need a nudge to go towards their next and better opportunity! They would have stayed where they were comfortable, but they are meant for more!

Have you ever played with a slingshot? For a slingshot to work, you have to pull it back to give it the power to propel forward. You are in the ‘pulling back’ stage before you propel forward to your next adventure. You will not stay in this stage; the best is yet to come!

Realize that this layoff is happening for you, not to you. You are meant for more and this is the time to make it happen.

It is completely normal to have feelings of rejection, anxiety, or uncertainty. Acknowledge them, reconfigure your mindset to focus on the opportunity in front of you, and move forward.

If you let fear and negativity control you in this moment, you may jump too quickly to the next job, even if it’s not the right position or the right company.


After a layoff, take the time to breathe, decompress, and consider what you want next. Start by writing a list of your accomplishments using the STARR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result, Reflection). This will help you identify your strengths and maintain a positive mindset. 

Reflect on the positions you’ve held and the places you’ve worked:

  • What did you like the most about your previous job?
  • What would you like to leave behind?
  • What did you learn from your previous job?
  • Did you enjoy your industry?
  • When were you the most fulfilled?
  • What do you value in a career?
  • What are your long-term goals and dreams?

Taking the time to align your values, passions, and goals will help direct you down the right path to ensure long lasting success and happiness. 


“Change” gets a bad rap. Many people think of change as negative, uncomfortable, and possibly leading to something worse.

Life begins at the edge of your comfort zone!

Change is scary, but if you lean into those scary moments, change can take you to much better places. 

When I’m confronted with change, and I start to get uncomfortable and uncertain, I have a mantra that I’ve used for over 20 years: “Bigger and better things.” It’s empowering! 

When I use this mantra, I attract and manifest bigger and better things because that’s where I focus. You can use this mantra or find another saying that inspires, excites, and empowers you!

The well-known book Who Moved My Cheese by Spencer Johnson has great insight into this topic. When you are faced with change, will you stay stagnant in a place that’s not the best for you, or… will you put on your running shoes and continue moving forward?

The book challenges us to ask ourselves, “What would you do if you weren’t afraid?” Really think about that. This is your time! Don’t let fear hold you back from going after what you want. 

You are one decision away from the life of your dreams.

Whether it’s a new job in the same field, changing industries, or finally going into business for yourself, you can overcome this uncertain time and start to realize your dreams.

If you’re ready for a change, reach out. Let’s plan this next exciting step together!

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