How to Make Great Decisions

A Guide for Aspiring Franchise Owners

woman raising her arms indecisively

Over the past 20 years as a business owner and franchise consultant, I’ve learned that the most successful business owners aren’t those with the perfect plan, but those who excel at making decisions. They thrive not because they have all the answers, but because they are adept at making confident, swift decisions even in the face of uncertainty. 

In the real world, you’ll rarely have all the information you need and waiting for complete certainty can be detrimental to your business. Therefore, this ability to act decisively is one of the most critical skills for aspiring franchisees, often determining the difference between success and failure.


Building Your Decision-Making Muscles

Think of the franchise research process as a training program for your decision-making skills. Just like an athlete builds strength and endurance through consistent practice, you can build your decision-making muscles through each step of the research process.

Remember, every micro-decision in this early research stage prepares you for the larger ones. As you narrow down your franchise options, decide to take the next step, and research funding; you are strengthening your decision-making muscles.

These small exercises help you become comfortable with the act of deciding, reinforcing the fact that many decisions are not as monumental as they seem.


The Framework for Great Decisions

So, how do you make great decisions? Here are three key strategies for being a decisive franchise owner.

Understanding Your “Why”

Your journey towards owning a franchise starts with understanding your “why.” You need a compelling reason to embark on this path – a vision of what you want to change or improve in your life. Knowing your destination and why it’s important to you helps you anchor your decisions. 

Ask yourself: Is this decision bringing me closer to my goal? Without a strong “why,” you wander aimlessly through life. A clear purpose keeps you focused and motivated.

Frontloading Analytical Research

The franchise research process should begin with thorough analytical research. The point is to educate yourself about the franchisor, the owner’s role, staffing, customer acquisition, finances, investment details, etc. 

This initial research phase should get you to a point where you’re 80-85% certain about the franchise. Only then should you meet the franchisor. 

By this stage, your decision becomes more about the emotional connection – the vibe, culture, and team dynamics. Avoid making emotional decisions first and trying to justify them with data later. I’ve seen many more mistakes made with this approach.

Maintaining Momentum

The speed at which you navigate the decision-making process is also crucial. This doesn’t mean rushing or skipping steps, but rather maintaining a steady momentum. Prolonged indecision can lead to analysis paralysis, where anxiety and doubt undermine the research you’ve done. 

Practice making micro-decisions throughout the process to build confidence and keep moving forward. This training will make you a stronger business owner while also enhancing most other aspects of your life.


Decide Your Path Forward

Great decision-making is a skill that can be honed through practice and a clear understanding of your goals. By prioritizing your motivations, conducting thorough research upfront, and maintaining momentum, you’ll gain the confidence to make informed choices that propel your business forward. 

And remember, you don’t have to navigate this path alone! I’m here to provide guidance and support every step of the way. If you’re ready to overcome uncertainty and take the next step toward realizing your franchise goals, let’s connect!

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